First, the broadripple socks. In the background you can see the new knitting books, and there's a Texas map to symbolize the socks' journeying since January. (These have been a long time coming.) The second picture is my attempt to take a close up of the way the stitches look with this thick yarn. Very dense.
Next is the newest member of the USC (Unfinished Sock Club), the Seduction Socks:
And, lastly, the pioneer Broadripple Shawl, based on the Broadripple sock pattern but modified into a flat knit shawl for my Prayer Shawl Ministry group. It's Lion Brand Homespun, Nouveau, and it is for the "shawl closet," so it will go to the cancer center. Roxie was so tired I didn't even have to force her to be a model. (She got to play with the family dog this morning, come home, and have her friend Penny come over for several hours this evening. She is one pooped pooch.)
I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet, but I think that I'll go lie on my beautiful bed and each almonds (my new favorite snack!). Or maybe have some of the fancy ice cream Danielle and I found at Walmart: Girl Scout Samoa Ice Cream. WHAT? Either way, I'll be dreaming happily in my own bed tonight before I go panic at school in the morning.
Sweet dreams...
What yarn are you using for the Broadnipple socks? I love the colors!
Oh, I found yoru blog while wandering around looking at knitting blogs :-)
Hey, Jenny! I'm glad you found me...
I am using Diakeito Diamoment for the Broadripple socks. It's a little thick for the pattern, but I like the density. The yarn can be hard to find, but if you google it you should be able to come across it. It is very nice. ;-)
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